Thursday, October 30, 2014

Daddy Daughter Fundraiser!

Great Job Ladies!! We had a great turn out with this party!! We earned $2500!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Real Game

Tomorrow is the day that we get to perform at the REAL half time!! 
Please be to the school by 5 am sharp!
Where your black pants with your graffiti top, team jacket and team shoes.
***Don't forget your zombie clothes and makeup.
We will be having a few hours of down time at Jordan Landing so please plan on bring some extra money for lunch and entertainment. 

The only way you can ride home with your family is if I have written consent from your parents.

Don't forget that we have an extra long practice this Friday 6-10:30 am
Half time this Friday night meet at 6:30 pm
No practice Saturday.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


THRILLER is finally here!!! I am so excited to to with everyone to tonight's show at Kingsbury hall. 
Please be to the high school by 4:20 pm in the front parking lot. We will leave right at 4:30 pm to make our dinner reservations at 5:30 in SLC.
I will be driving a school suburban. I also have to other mothers that will be driving so that we can accommodate all the girls going. 

I know this will be the most exciting news of the day--I have canceled practice for tomorrow! ENJOY your 5 day weekend and come back with great attitudes ready to practice like the chaps you are on MONDAY!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thursday Halftime

Reminder that we have a game this Thursday at 7 pm...Please parents be there by 6 pm to set up our booth. We will be selling t-shirts, face-paint, cookies, water and jerky. Depending on the weather Hot Chocolate might be a good idea??
If Everyone donated one box of hot chocolate I could buy the cups and bring the hot water.

The Team will be performing their camp dance again, and wearing their Maria's with their red top...if they have a strapless bra that doesn't show they are welcome to wear it. 

For School they will need to wear their Purple tops with jeans and their purple head band. ( I will give those out tomorrow at practice).

Reminder**Thriller will be next Tuesday...we are leaving at 4:30 pm and getting home around 10:30 pm at the latest. They will need money for dinner at the Olive Garden. 

Also don't forget about REAL - October 22nd the team will leave at 5:30 am. On District buses. We will stay in SLC until the game is over. Please send your daughter with a sack lunch and dinner or send her with money. We will have dead time from 1-4:30 pm and be spending that time at the District or Jordan Landing. Half time will be around 8 pm. if you give me a written consent form BEFORE THE 22nd you can take your daughter home with you after the game, or after halftime. 

*** Very important parent meeting that is mandatory for all drill parents Tuesday NOVEMBER 4th at 6 pm. In the Dance room at the high school. PLEASE MARK CALENDARS and plan on attending!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tomorrow dress

Remember to wear your zombie outfit to practice tomorrow.
Also at school wear your black top with your tribal leggings and black jacket. 
**Sleepover has been canceled due to the need for a practice Saturday morning. 
Practice will start at 7 am and end at 9:45 am